The 2019 pandemic left many industries realising how unprepared they were to deal with labour challenges. The hospitality sector, among others, was particularly affected by the reduced availability of skilled staff upon reopening its doors, since a large percentage of talent had transitioned to other sectors. Remaining employees were forced to share the mounting workload by taking on more tasks. 

However, the findings in our 2023 talent trends research - wherein a large number of respondents said their education lacked sufficient career preparation - lead us to believe the above is no easy feat. Moreover, in the same survey, almost 50% of respondents mentioned they are unhappy with what the industry offers them, but professional development opportunities would prevent them from quitting. These findings illustrate that hospitality talent must be developed to motivate, equip, and retain them. 

On the other hand, the EU’s green and digital transition plans compel the hospitality sector to adopt more sustainable and energy-efficient practices in the next decade, which the industry isn’t ready for. The MCEU Hospitality project originated as a solution for helping talent expand their skills while making the sector compliant with EU regulations. We at Hosco were more than thrilled to contribute to this prestigious initiative that will research and roll out micro-credentials targeted at hospitality.  

This article lays out the project goals, duration, collaborators, funding, and Hosco’s role. 

MCEU Project Duration and Goals 

The MCEU Project is a 36-month initiative geared at skilling and upskilling hospitality talent through portable micro-credentials. These microcredentials will help the industry transition to the European Union (EU)'s requirement of greener and more digital practices. The project is part of the Erasmus+ program. It started in January 2024 and will conclude in December 2026. 

Eight partners in Europe have joint forces to identify, develop, and distribute micro-credentials to 500 learners in Spain, Denmark, and Iceland, with a sharp focus on digital and green skills. These skills will help bridge the gaps accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and will be made available through the implementation of an innovative online platform. 

The platform, in turn, will encourage continuous learning, skill enhancement, and adaptation to the changing demands within the hospitality industry, all aligned with the principles of lifelong learning (LLL). Additionally, the MCEU project will boost the employability of hospitality talent, and significantly contribute to fulfilling EU objectives concerning adult training participation and employment rates. 

Moreover, this project closely aligns with prominent EU policies, including the EU Skills Agenda, the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action 2021-2027, and the European Green Deal. 

The micro-credentials will be developed in accordance with the Council Recommendation on lifelong learning and employability, ensuring they are relevant to both industry needs and overarching EU policy objectives. 

MCEU Project Participants and Funding Statement 

This project is co-funded by the European Union and has the following participants:


Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Hosco’s Contribution to the MCEU Project 

Thorough research is the foundation of the MCEU project, whereby Hosco plays a key role in designing, rolling out, and analysing a survey targeting hospitality employers and jobseekers. The survey is aimed at identifying and understanding the following 3 areas:  

  1. Skill Gaps: Skills employers perceive as lacking in their workforce, and the areas for skill improvement.
  2. Aspirations of Talent: Skills that talent seeks to develop and how these new sets of skills can help them advance in their career. 
  3. Micro-credentials Impact: The role of micro-credentials in skill acceptance and career advancement within the industry.

MCEU Survey Target Audience 

The MCEU survey will be sent out via Hosco’s database and segmented by: 

  • 1,500 employers (hiring decision makers), distributed at local and national levels in Spain, Denmark, and Iceland.
  • 3,000 hospitality workers (of which at least 1,000 are unemployed individuals). Moreover, at least half of them must be located in Spain, Denmark, and Iceland.
  • 20 policymakers across the EU (to evaluate the survey results).

The project partners will map out these courses based on relevant skills, competencies, qualifications, and occupations using the ESCO framework to align them with the demands of the European labour market. They will review the Skills Needs Report and select 5 essential skills to develop courses around, consisting of:

  • 2 green skills
  • 1 managerial skill
  • 1 digital skill
  • 1 technical skill

Data Collection and Analysis 

The aforementioned survey will be launched in the first week of June 2024, and relevant project partners will play a crucial role in promoting the digital questionnaire across their networks. 

Data collection is estimated to take approximately 3 months. In September 2024, Hosco will perform a quantitative analysis of the survey data. In October 2024, stakeholders will add their contributions to the qualitative analysis. Hosco will publish the final survey report in December 2024. 

MCEU Coordinator Contact Details

For more information about this project, please reach out to: 

University College of Northern Denmark

EU Disclaimer: Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.