Hire Top Talent With One Effective Solution

Hosco recruitment solutions
  • Reach 2+M skilled professionals, students, and recent graduates.
  • Get access to 400+ of the best hospitality schools and associations worldwide.
  • Boost your employer brand and continue to build a solid team.

Start Recruiting Smarter and Faster Today

Want a no-commitment, 15-minute demo that'll show you why Hosco is the right solution for you? Discover how to efficiently recruit qualified talent for your hotel, restaurant, cruise ship, and more.

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Explore the Recruitment Service That Best Fit You

Whether you need to continually strengthen your team, recruit early career talent, or do mass hiring for the opening of a new hotel or restaurant, we've got you covered.

Don't Miss The Hosco Summit: A Game-Changing Hospitality Event 

26 & 27 September 2024

Come and exchange thoughts about trends with hospitality specialists.

  • Connect with 100+ hospitality professionals
  • Learn about hospitality's hottest topics
  • Enjoy Barcelona's beauty and beach vibes 

Discover how to take your team to the next level with online training

Explore our best-in-class online training solutions powered by Lobster Ink.


Hosco and Lobster Ink - the hospitality industry’s training provider of choice and a division of EcoLab - have teamed up to empower current and future hospitality professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to operate to the highest standards. 

Lobster Ink online training is used by more than 1 million employees in some of the world’s leading hospitality brands across 140 countries. Now for the first time small, medium sized and independent businesses can gain access to Lobster Ink’s world class online training content via Hosco.

Learning Solutions

Hands-on Resources for HR in Hospitality

Stay on top of Stay on top of best practices and the latest trends in hospitality recruitment and employer marketing practices and the latest trends in Hospitality Recruitment

They're Using Hosco to Find the Best Talent

Seeking the Perfect Fit for Your Company?

Request a no-commitment, 15-minute demo and discover how Hosco can help you reach and recruit trained hospitality talent at all levels.

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